
Tagul: Teacher Buzz Words 2013

If you spent some time in my district, here are some of the buzz words that you would hear approximately 100 times per week lol. It serves as a "snapshot" of our district wide goals. I'm sure MANY can relate to these buzz words.
Tagul lets you save it two ways. This is the interactive version (wave your mouse over it)

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and this is the picture file (Pin it!):

Did I miss any? is a site that makes word collages for you, but it never works on my computer (Java issues?). So I Googled "websites like Wordle" and found a website called, I love it, I had no issues creating and customizing. I wish I could compare it more to Wordle, but since I never got past step 1 with Wordle, all I can say is try Tagul out yourself!

I can think of many ways I could use Tagul in the classroom. Here's a few possibilities:

Beginning of the year: Get to know you activity (have students interview another students gather a list of adjectives and present-or just have them make one about themselves)
End of year: I've seen this on Pinterest-a teacher giving each student their own "cloud" in a frame with their name being the largest word.

When teaching character traits-Character's name surrounded by traits
Genre study: The genre such as "informational text" then words such as biographies, how-to-books, etc.
Author's Purpose: create a chart of examples of each category (Persuade, Inform, Entertain) and then publish this into a Tagul cloud and post it as an anchor chart!


Pin my cloud above if you can relate!

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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Wordle - didn't know about Tagul but I'm definitely going to check it out. I used Wordle to show my kiddies how many times they used "boring" words in their writing :) We looked at the words and then tried to think of more interesting ones that could be used to make a different cloud.
    I love the way Tagul moves though - that's really cool. My class will love playing with that :)


    Fun in the Fours
